Another day (of quarantine), another project.
Today explore the latest version of the Arduino IoT Cloud (beta).
For the hardware we have the following:
- MKR 1010
- MKR ENV Shield
- ST LPS22HB : atmospheric pressure
- ST HTS221 : temperature and humidity
- VISHAY TEMT6000 : Lux of the ambient.
- VISHAY VEML6075 : UltraViolet wavelengths A / B
- MicroSD card
- Built-in RGB LED
We are attempting to use the online editor that Arduino Create provides.
Grab the code from our repo here:
Functional Goals:
- Read temperature, humidity, ambient brightness
- Send to cloud for display on dashboard
- Allow user to toggle built-in RGB LED remotely
- Record data as csv every 5 seconds to a microSD card