Gears of Resistance:

Bits, Bolts and Volts of Art+Design, Engineering, Fabrication and Small Business

Howdy GearHead! Thanks for jacking into the Gears of Resistance — the community of friendly makers, DIYers, engineers, technicians, scientists, craftspeople, coders, artists, cooks, and anyone else who tries to make a living by creating with their minds and hands.  The only rule here is that you treat others with the respect that you would show your grandmother. Some of the topics we love to explore:

  • Maker Movement
  • Digital Design / Hybrid Fabrication
  • Art+Design
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Open Source Hardware and Software
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
  • Citizen Science
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Right to Repair
  • Running Small Creative Businesses
  • Embedded Electronics
  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
  • Traditional Craftsmanship (Woodworking, Metalworking)

Whether you are a weekend warrior DIYer or an aspiring professional maker, we’re sure you’ll find something to enjoy in our eclectic mix of how-to’s, reviews, tips and tricks. Find us on your favorite podcast app and join the discussion on Discord

sponsors and advertisers

Gears of Resistance is generously sponsored by Polymath Design Studio and Green Shoe Garage. We also have a Ko-fi page for our coolest GearHeads to help support the show!

Looking to reach an engaged audience of makers, engineers, scientists, and technicians? Advertise with Gears of Resistance and find your audience.