I am convinced that on the day the bow-and-arrow was invented there were people who insisted it was not a sustainable because you’d run out of arrows. Therefore they will stick with their wooden clubs. But you know what, people still hunt with bows and as far as I know clubs seem to have gone out of favor. But I have come to accept that this is the norm for humanity and our adoption of technology. Anytime I hear about knee jerk reaction against new technology, I go back to the history of the automobiles. Unfounded fears, backlash, failed “beta versions”, patent wars, ill-advised regulation, etc. Sound familiar? In fact did you know that when automobiles first hit the roads in America certain small towns even passed laws that required any car to be escorted by a police officer to alert the public while waving a flag. Can you imagine that happening today? Hell no!
Same with the new tech of today. Google Glass, autonomous cars, drones, human-like androids etc. will be accepted in the future just as much as automobiles are now accepted. Then we will be on to new fears…wash, rinse, repeat in perpetuity. So fellow technologists and futurists rest assured that while curmudgeonry will never die, that progress always wins in the long run.
Henry Ford put it best … “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”