Save The Internet, Save The World

Some people say the free and open Internet is under attack, in reality what is at stake is much greater.  At the risk of sounding alarmist, what really is at stake is Free Speech.  The Internet is the Town Square of the 21st century and the rules the FCC is currently considering will kill free…

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Big Business Is The Biggest Threat To Free Market Capitalism

There are many industries and markets where monopolies and oligopolies are the norm; and collusion and corruption are business as usual.  These tend to be aged industries where over time the marketplace of competitors has dwindled through buyouts and other mechanisms to eliminate competition.  Old, stale industries resort to all sorts of shady behavior ranginging…

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Predicting The Next 100 Years

Every now and then I like to to take a shot in the dark and not only make some wild ass future predictions but also the circumstances that will lead to those results.  Because why they hell not?  I’ve never been afraid in being dead wrong when it comes to predicting the impact technology.  In…

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Busting The Intellectual Echo Chamber

You’re smart.  So is everyone else.  Mostly.  The problem with smart people is they like to talk to other smart people in really smart ways.  That has always bugged me.  Perhaps that is why I find this New York Times article from Nicholas Kristof so interesting.  In the article he calls outs the academic profession…

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What’s Lost If We Don’t Have Net Neutrality

The freewheeling nature, anonymity and openness of the Internet is what has made it successful and a beacon for innovation.  It is democracy in “tangible” form.  It is the single greatest equalizer ever invented, not in the Robin Hood sense of taking from the rich and giving to the poor; but rather by giving everyone…

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Of Generalists and Specialists

General Omar Bradley was called the “Soldier’s General”.  He also, perhaps unwittingly, professed two great truths when it comes to leading technology teams. “We need to learn to set our course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship.” “I learned that good judgment comes from experience and that experience grows out of…

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Get Your On (Updated)

A few years back I was introduced to a web service called Pachube (pronounced Patch Bay) then became Cosm, then  becoming Xively after being bought by the folks behind LogMeIn.  Fundamentally Pachube, and now Xively is a service that let’s you collect data that comes from the “Internet of Things” into a single location where…

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The Cost of Being Efficient

“For every action there is an equal yet opposite reaction.” is a favored summary of Newton’s Third Law of Motion.  The actual wording is a bit more ‘wordy’.  But the paraphrase makes it easier to understand when you try to apply the law to not just interaction physical objects, but also to interaction of human…

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Jobs, Woz, Cook: A Tale of 3 Leadership Archetypes

One of the hardest things about running a business is human resources.  Picking the right person for a job can literally mean life or death for a company, especially as you move higher up the food chain.  Some may argue that a CEO is little more than a figurehead and the real heart and brains…

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